🍨 Daily Scoop: Happy 4th Of July | Trade Stocks

Happy 4th Of July

By Mon, Jul 6, 2020

What you need to know?

It’s the 4th of July, Scoopers! Happy America Day!

Warren Buffett famously calls America’s commerce and innovation as a golden goose that continues to lay more and larger eggs. And, no one knows that better than us, the stock market investors. The market wrapped Q2 2020 as one of the best in its history. Despite the Coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the economy, stock market indices wrapped the quarter roughly 20% to 40% higher than where they started.

Things may not be as rosy as we get ready to hear from America’s publicly traded companies during their upcoming quarterly earnings report. However, it doesn’t diminish our appreciation for what it has done for our portfolios in Q2.

Join us to salute America and its golden goose of a stock market on the 4th of July 2020! Happy birthday, America!

We will be back with our normal Daily Scoops on Monday, July 6th. Have a great long weekend, Scoopers!


32X bigger than 5G?

5G and “AI” are all the rage…

But here’s what you likely don’t know:

The world’s best investors are lining up behind an explosive new technology that could trump them all. Warren Buffett calls it “ingenious.”

You can watch it here.

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About the Author

The authors of this Scoop are the editorial team at Stock Card, led by Hoda Mehr. Hoda Mehr is CEO and Co-founder of Stock Card and the host of Renegade Investors podcast. She runs a community of 40,000 stock market investors and manages Stock Card's successful flagship portfolio, Roll with Our CEO, on Stock Card Portfolio Store. Hoda is an Economist with an MBA from Concordia, John Molson School of Business. She applies behavioral economics, data journalism, and storytelling to all aspects of her work. Before starting Stock Card, Hoda worked as a strategy and insights lead at technology companies including Symantec, Aimia and Sony. Create a free account to do your stock market research easily and mistake-free: Stock Card Stock Card